Uttar Pradesh Rural Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (UPRIMSR)
U.P. Rural Institute of Medical Science & Research
Saifai,Etawah-206 301 (UP) Phone:- (05688) 276563 Fax:-(05688) 276509 website:-www.rimsnr.ac.in
Advertisment no.-RIMS/ACAD/70/2011-12 Dates 07 October 2011.
(Appointments on Faculty Positions)
The UP Rural Institute of Medical Science & Research is a premier autonomous institute established by Govt. of UP under Act 2005. The Institute is running full fledged medical college and -fully equipped multi specialty 750-bedded hospital. Applications along with bio-data (including all details) are invited for filling up the following vacancies by direct recruitment or on contractual basis.
Name of post are given below:-1)Assistant Professor (1seat for SC) From Anatomy Department.
2)Professor Assistant (1seat for SC & 1 seat for General) from Pharmacology department.
3)Professor (gen-1) Associate Professor (Gen-1,1-SC) from Pathology department.
4)Professor (Gen-1) from Forensic Medicine department.
5)Professor (Gen-1)
Associate Professor (1-Gen,1-SC) from Microbiology Department.
6)Professor (Gen-1)
Associate Professor(Gen-1,SC-1)
Assistant professor (Gen-2,OBC-1,SC-1) from Radio diagnosis department.
7)Professor (Gen-1)
Assistant Professor (Gen-1,SC-1) from Dermatology department.
Assistant Professor (Gen-1) from TB & Chest department.
9)Assistant Professor (SC-1) from Psychiatry Department.
10)Associate professor (Gen-1)
Assistant Professor (Gen-1,SC-1) from ENT Deaprtment.
11)Associate Proffesor and assitant professor from Genral medicine department.
12)Professor and Assistant Professor from Anaeshchesia department.
13)Professor and Associate Professor from Blood Bank department.
14)Assistant Professor from Opthamology department.
15)Professor,Associate Professor and Assistant Professor from Orthopedics Department.
16)Professor,Associate Professor and Asistant Professor from OBS & Gynae department.
17)Professor/Associate professor and Physicist-cum-Lecturer from Radiotherapy department.
18)Professor.Associate Professor and Lecturer from Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation department.
19)Assistant Professor from general Surgery deparment.
20)Associate Professor and Assitant Professor from Dentisty department.
SUPER SPECIALTY POSTS:-1)Neurology-Assistant Professor-GEN-1.
2)Plastic Surgery-Professor (GEN-1)
Assistant Professor-(Gen-1).
Associate Professor(GEN-1)
4)Pulmonary Medicine-Associate Professor(GEN-1)
Assistant Professor(GEN-1)
Educational Qualification:- Candidate must be passed Post graduation in M.D./M.S./MBS/Ph.D or a recognized qualification equivalent there to.
Salary/Pay Scale:- Professor:-Rs.37400/-67000/- (Minimum pay Rs.51,600/-)+Rs.10,500 Grade pay.
Assoiciate Professor: Rs.37400/-67000/- (minimum Pay Rs.42,800/-)+ Rs.9000/-Grand pay.
Assistant Professor:- Rs.15600/-39100/- (minimum pay Rs.30,000/-)+ Rs.8,000/-Grand pay.
Lecturer/Physicist-cum-lecturer:- Rs.15600/-39100/- +Rs.5400/-Grand pay.
Upper Age limit:- candidate must not be more then 50years as on last 31-10-2011.
Closing Date:-31st October 2011.
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