Notification for Admission in the Management/NRI Quota for B Sc Nursing Course for the year 2011 – 2012
Notificationfor Admission in the Management/NRI QuotaforB Sc Nursing Course for the year 2011 – 2012Address :CO-OPERATIVE COLLEGE OF NURSINGP B NO 5, KARAKULAM POTHIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695 5640472 2886299, 9497851578
email: cooperativecollegeofnursing@gmail.comExam Description:FEW SEATS AVAILABLE IN BSC (N) (Under Management and NRI Quota)For more information please contact the college immiadetelyApplication should be sent to “THE PRINCIPAL, CO-OPERATIVE COLLEGE OF NURSING, PB NO. 5,KARAKULAM PO, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695 564”
How to apply :A candidate who seeks admission to the Co-operative college of Nursing Trivandrum, under themanagement quota should submit an application in the prescribed form available from the college office on paymentof Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred only) in person or on payment of Rs. 350/- (Rupees Three Hundred and Fiftyonly) by post. The Duly filled application form along with self attested copies of relavent certificate should reach thecollege office on or before the date mentioned in the notification. Incomplete application without requisite documentswill be rejected. The following documents (self attested Photostat copies) should be forwarded along with theapplication form.
Application Format 2011-12 PBBSC
Click here to download College Prospectus Click here to download
Application form – Format 2011-2012 Bsc Nursing
Click here to Download
General Instructions:1. A candidate who seeks admission to the
Co-operative College of Nursing, Trivandrum, under the managementquota should submit an application in the prescribed form available from the college office on payment of Rs. 500/-(Rupees Five Hundred Only) in person or on payment of Rs. 550/(Rupees Five Hundred and Fifty only) by post.Application form can downloaded from college website.2. The Duly filled application form along with self attested copies of relevant certificate should reach the collegeoffice on or before 5 PM of scheduled date. Incomplete application without requisite documents will be rejected3. The following documents (self attested Photostat copies) should be accompanied along with the application form.4. The college library is housed to study and conduct research. It is well stocked with more than 3000 books, latestedition of books for reference, a number of periodicals and journals& news papers to satisfy academic need of students.5. The college provides hostel facilities for students, separately for boys and girls on actual cost sharing basis. Eachhosteller is provided with a cot, a table a chair and a wardrobe. Facilities for indoor games and recreation are availableat the hostel.6. . Prepare nurses, who can make independent decisions in nursing situations, protect the rights of and facilitateindividuals and groups in pursuit of health, function in the hospital, community nursing services, and conduct researchstudies in the areas of nursing practice. They are also expected to assume the role of teacher, supervisor, and managerin the clinical/public health setting/school of nursing.7. This will be done by means of a programmed teaching which is geared to the health needs of the country,community and the individual in society, which will serve as a basis of advanced study and specialization in nursing
and will assist Nurses in their personal and professional development. So that they may make their maximumcontribution to society as individual, citizen and as Nurse.
About the organization:Co-operative College of Nursing envisioned in 2007 by G. Karunakaran Memorial Educationa Society to mould a newgeneration with the knowledge, skill and attitude to provide nursing care to the sick and the disabled to bring newinnovations in the field of Nursing Education.G. Karunakaran Memorial Co-operative College of Nursing offers BSc.Nursing Degree course of 4+1 years duration as specified by University of Kerala, and PBBSC (N) Course of 2 yearduration as specified by Kerala University of Health and Sciences. The Board of Directors and Managing Committeedecided to admit the students for BSc Nursing & PBBSC (N) Course based on the norms prescribed by the Govt. of Kerala. This prospectus set out the rules and regulations for the selection and admission of the candidates by the Boardof Directors of G. Karunakaran Memorial Educational Society for the year 2009 – 2010.Undergraduate NursingProgram is a broad based education within an academic frame work specifically directed to the development of criticalthinking skill, competencies that required for practice of professional nursing and midwifery as envisaged in healthpolicy 2002. This prospectus is subject to modification / addition / deletion as may be deemed necessary by themanagement and subject to the judgment of Honorable Courts of Law. The college provides hostel facilities forstudents, separately for Boys and Girls on actual cost sharing basis. Each hosteler is provided with a coat a table, achair and a wardrobe. Facilities for indoor games and recreation are available at the hostel.In memory of late Mr. G.Karunakaran, the former President of the Peroorkada Service Co-operative Bank, an educational society was formedand was registered under charitable society act of 1955, register no: T2340. Mr. G Karunakaran was a greateducationalist, philanthropist, and eminent leader who worked hard for the upgradation of the society. After adistinguished career as a teacher, he dedicated himself for the public’s service. His name will be written in goldenletters in the history of Peroorkada Service Co operative Bank. Because he was the one who gave new life to the bank when it went to resolution. Under his expert guidance and leadership Peroorkada Service Co operative bank heralded anew era in the scenario of banking sector. Now the bank is capable of extend its service to the other sector. The firstlap in this effort came true when we step-in to Co operative College of Nursing under G. Karunakaran MemorialEducational Society.The Selected candidates will be informed of the date and time of admission. The selectedcandidates shall accept the admission by remitting the requisite fee to the college office within the scheduled time. Thecandidates who do not remit the fee on or before the stipulated date will lose their admission. The fee once remittedshall not be refunded under any circumstances after closing of admission. The fees are fixed by the management as perrelevant court verdict. If any candidate discontinues the course after closing the admission she/he has to payliquidation damage (the full fee of the remaining course). T.C& Certificates will be issued only after payment of theabove amount.Aquire knowledge on theory and principles of nursing and alled subjects, which are involved inproviding nursing care to individuals, families and communities.
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