Television star Juhi Parmar beat her fellow contestants a tough fight to win the season 5 of the biggest reality show of India. Juhi emerged victorious and walked away with the grand prize of Rs. 1 crore and the winner’s trophy. Giving Juhi a tough fight and walking away as the first runner-up was Mahek Chahel, while Sidharth Bhardwaj was the second runner-up. While Juhi won the title of Bigg Boss, Mahek’s long-time boyfriend, Danish Khan proposed to her on the stage for marriage, to which Mahek replied with an ‘I do’.
Though with Mahek’s re-entry turned out to be the biggest twist of the show, but Juhi’s stronghold in the show for the past 97 days could not be ignored.
Upon being announced the winner of Vodafone presents Bigg Boss 5, an ecstatic Juhi Parmar said, “The feeling that follows after being declared the winner of Bigg Boss is something that I cannot put in words. A woman is the epitome of endurance and being the second woman to win Bigg Boss helps prove that point to all that ever doubted it. Tackling the various situations that I have experienced inside the Bigg Boss house has given me a lot more confidence to go back home and continue being what I am. Thanks to Bigg Boss, I have made some life-long friends whom I probably would have never met if I had not agreed to be a part of the show. There is a lot that I am taking back home with me that I have learnt while being a part of this amazing journey of Bigg Boss 5.”
Juhi is the second female contestant to prove her mettle and win Bigg Boss after Shweta Tiwari won Bigg Boss Season 4. Being one of the most popular bahus on Indian television, her fame and strong fan-following helped her gain the maximum votes.
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